ZD Screen Recorder SDK Getting Started – Visual Basic

Getting started with ZD Screen Recorder SDK in Visual Basic.NET

  • Initialize the SDK at the start of the application (this should be executed only once during application startup).
  • ZDSoft.SDK.ScnLib_InitializeW("")
  • Initiate a regular screen recording session with the default settings, typically triggered in a button click event handler.
  • ZDSoft.SDK.ScnLib_StartRecording()
  • After a period of time, conclude the screen recording session, which is also commonly fired in a button click event handler.
  • ZDSoft.SDK.ScnLib_StopRecording()
  • Uninitialize the SDK during the application’s shutdown process (this should be executed only once upon application shutdown).
  • ZDSoft.SDK.ScnLib_Uninitialize()
  • Browse the ‘Videos’ folder, typically found at ‘C:\Users\YourName\Videos\’, to view the video you’ve just recorded.
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