ZD Screen Recorder SDK API – ScnLib_SetVideoFrameRate()


Std EditionPro EditionMax EditionUltra Edition
C++ __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall ScnLib_SetVideoFrameRate(double dFPS);
C# [DllImport("ScnLib.dll")] public static extern void ScnLib_SetVideoFrameRate(double FPS);
Basic Public Declare Sub ScnLib_SetVideoFrameRate Lib "ScnLib.dll" (ByVal FPS As Double)
Delphi procedure ScnLib_SetVideoFrameRate(FPS: Double); stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
  • Description
    Set the output video frame rate.

  • Parameters
    • FPS [in]
      The output video frame rate, expressed in fps (frames per second), ranging from 0.1 to 200.
  • Return Value

  • Remarks
    Use this function to set the output video frame rate, which will also serve as the screen capture frame rate. The default setting is 30fps (frames per second). It is generally not advisable to set the frame rate higher than 30fps unless your computer is capable of capturing and encoding HD or UHD video at such a high rate in real time. If the frame rate exceeds your computer’s capabilities, the actual rate may fall significantly below the set value, rendering the high frame rate ineffective. However, enabling the variable frame rate feature via ScnLib_EnableVideoVariableFrameRate() means the screen capture frame rate will adjust based on the rate of change in screen content, could potentially reduce the demands on computer performance. Changing the video frame rate during the recording process is not permitted. To check the current output video frame rate, call ScnLib_GetVideoFrameRate().

  • See Also

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