ZD Screen Recorder SDK API – ScnLib_GetZoomSpeed()


Std EditionPro EditionMax EditionUltra Edition
C++ __declspec(dllimport) double __stdcall ScnLib_GetZoomSpeed(void);
C# [DllImport("ScnLib.dll")] public static extern double ScnLib_GetZoomSpeed();
Basic Public Declare Function ScnLib_GetZoomSpeed Lib "ScnLib.dll" () As Double
Delphi function ScnLib_GetZoomSpeed(): Double; stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
  • Description
    Check the current speed ratio of the zooming transition effect.

  • Parameters

  • Return Value
    The current zooming transition speed ratio, ranges from 0.1 to 10.0. A smaller ratio results in a slower transition speed, while a higher ratio increases the speed of the transition. The maximum value of 10.0 completely bypasses the transition effect.

  • Remarks
    Use this function to check the current speed ratio of the zooming transition effect.

  • See Also

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