ZD Screen Recorder SDK API – ScnLib_GetZoomRatio()


Std EditionPro EditionMax EditionUltra Edition
C++ __declspec(dllimport) double __stdcall ScnLib_GetZoomRatio(void);
C# [DllImport("ScnLib.dll")] public static extern double ScnLib_GetZoomRatio();
Basic Public Declare Function ScnLib_GetZoomRatio Lib "ScnLib.dll" () As Double
Delphi function ScnLib_GetZoomRatio(): Double; stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
  • Description
    Check the current zoom-in ratio for the screen capture region.

  • Parameters

  • Return Value
    The current zoom-in ratio for the screen capture region, which is either equal to or greater than 1.0.

  • Remarks
    Use this function to check the current zoom-in ratio for the screen capture region. A ratio above 1.0 results in the screen capture region being zoomed in, while a ratio of exactly 1.0 maintains the region at its original size, with no zoom applied. The ratio must not be less than 1.0.

    Given that the ratio value is of type double, you can use a code snippet similar to the following to check if the ratio is equal to 1.0:
    if (fabs(Ratio - 1.0) < 0.000001) { ...... }

  • See Also

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