ZD Screen Recorder SDK API – ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImages()


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C++ __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesA(LPSTR pszHighlight, LPSTR pszLeftClick, LPSTR pszRightClick);
__declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesW(LPWSTR pwszHighlight, LPWSTR pwszLeftClick, LPWSTR pwszRightClick);
C# [DllImport("ScnLib.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern void ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesW(StringBuilder Highlight, StringBuilder LeftClick, StringBuilder RightClick);
Basic Public Declare Unicode Sub ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesW Lib "ScnLib.dll" (ByVal Highlight As StringBuilder, ByVal LeftClick As StringBuilder, ByVal RightClick As StringBuilder)
Delphi procedure ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesA(Highlight: PAnsiChar; LeftClick: PAnsiChar; RightClick: PAnsiChar); stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
procedure ScnLib_GetCursorEffectsImagesW(Highlight: PWideChar; LeftClick: PWideChar; RightClick: PWideChar); stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
  • Description
    Check the current settings for mouse cursor effects images.

  • Parameters
    • Highlight [out]
      The string buffer allocated to receive the current image file path of the mouse cursor highlight effect. Ensure that the buffer has a capacity greater than 260 characters.
    • LeftClick [out]
      The string buffer allocated to receive the current image file path of the mouse left button click effect. Ensure that the buffer has a capacity greater than 260 characters.
    • RightClick [out]
      The string buffer allocated to receive the current image file path of the mouse right button click effect. Ensure that the buffer has a capacity greater than 260 characters.
  • Return Value

  • Remarks
    Use this function to check the current settings for mouse cursor effects images.

  • See Also

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