

Std EditionPro EditionMax EditionUltra Edition
C++ __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall ScnLib_About(void);
C# [DllImport("ScnLib.dll")] public static extern void ScnLib_About();
Basic Public Declare Sub ScnLib_About Lib "ScnLib.dll" ()
Delphi procedure ScnLib_About(); stdcall; external 'ScnLib.dll';
  • Description
    Display a modal dialog box to present details about the SDK, such as edition, version, copyright, and licensing information - or information regarding the free trial if a license has not yet been obtained.

  • Parameters

  • Return Value

  • Remarks
    Use this function to verify the SDK's edition and version information. Typically, this function is reserved for internal purposes. However, if you have acquired a commercial license, you may input your license key using ScnLib_SetLicenseA/W(), and then employ this function to confirm the functionality of your license key.

  • See Also

Try the SDK for FREE SDK APIs overview